Life and Living, On Family, Other Stuff

Lockdown Diaries

So much for the blog. For carpe diem-ing. You know what that does? It throws your routine, your discipline. All that stuff that keeps you going in lockdown. The routine run and all. After Friday’s blog, and requests for Netflix recommendations, and who knows what else since it all merges into a blur (unless you… Continue reading Lockdown Diaries

Doing One Thing, Other Stuff

What would your biggest regret be?

I arrived in Cape Town aged 17, unwilling and unexcited about the prospect of studying at UCT. I wanted to stay in Johannesburg so that I could stay close to my ‘serious’ boyfriend. At all of age 17. Note to young seventeen year olds: Even though you may not like your parent’s advice about what… Continue reading What would your biggest regret be?